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Dinosaur Facts

Wingspan: up to 11 m
Diet: Herbivore (plant-eater)
Period: Late Cretaceous
Time Span: 83.5 - 65.5 Million Years Ago

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The magnificent Quetzalcoatlus was the size of a small aircraft and one of the largest flying animals ever. This massive, but delicately built, carnivorous reptile was one of the last of its kind. Like all pterosaurs, an elongate finger supported each of its wing membranes. It soared through the Late Cretaceous skies of North America, 68 million years ago. This realistic model is 7.25 inches long and has a wingspan of 8.75 inches. It is brown with a stunning pink and blue head.

Quetzalcoatlus was one of the last of the pterosaurs (flying reptiles that, contrary to what some people think, are not dinosaurs). This creature and its closest relatives are by far the largest flying animals that have ever been discovered. The wings of Quetzalcoatlus stretched up to 37 feet (11 meters) from tip to tip – as wide as a small airplane! By comparison, the largest living flying bird, the wandering albatross, has a wingspan of only 11 feet (3.3 meters). Quetzalcoatlus had long, toothless jaws and a crest on top of its head. Kept aloft by its immense wings, it could probably soar over vast distances in search of food. The first remains of Quetzalcoatlus were discovered in southwestern Texas in 1971.

Each replica comes with 5 language educational information. Ages 3+.


Length: 18.4cm
Wingspan: 22.2cm


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UK - Order value: £50.00 to £99.99:  £6.95  3-5 working days
UK - Order value: £100.00 plus: FREE!  3-5 working days

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